Kinetic Sand

Make a clean mess!

Kids love going to the beach to play in the sand and get dirty and all that is a great fun, who never did a thing like that in childhood. And now comes the good news, the Kinetic Sand, which will allow your child (or yourself) play with sand at home and even better without getting dirty, the mommy will be thankful for that.

Simplifying it, the Kinetic Sand is a sort of smart sand made of 98% sand and 2% polymer which will permit a clean mess, that’s right! As you move it or mold it and do whatever you would like the sand stand still and tends to cluster leaving a bit of trace, and after all that with little effort you can recover all of it without losing anything.

Certainly a very interesting geeky gadget that draws the attention of anyone, could also say it’s magic, speaking of magic if you tell your kid that it’s a magical stuff no doubt he will believe. Take a look at the video below.

Kinetic Sand Preview:

Thereby, get ready to make your child believe in magic, or yourself to go back to believing in it, with this incredible Kinetic Sand. And for another interesting stuff like this one, check out the post we have made about the Star Wars Lightsaber. Certainly, if the sand can not make you come back to childhood, this one can.



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