Star Wars Chop Sabers

The Sushi is strong with this one.

Apart from healthy and greatly appreciated throughout the world, Sushi is very good and I think you agree with me about it. So why not further enhance this experience with a touch of Star Wars, what would be cooler than that?

Meet the Star Wars Chop Sabers, undoubtedly the coolest gadget to take advantage of this Japanese delicacy which is so famous and interesting. These gizmos besides providing you a good meal will give you the opportunity to eat a raw fish as a Jedi or a Sith Lord, very nice!

As you can see in the images the Star Wars Chop Sabers are available in two versions, Vader and Luke, or if you prefer, the Dark side and the Light side of the Force, regardless of the side you most identify, you will not be disappointed.

Therefore, choose carefully your weapon and get ready to attack a delicious raw fish with Shoyu sauce and a bit of Wasabi if you like and do not forget to check out our Star Wars gadgets section, for more cool Star Wars gadgets as this one.



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